Zachary Bosshardt, MD

Psychiatry Resident, Emory School of Medicine
Picture of Zachary

Zach graduated with an undergraduate degree in philosophy and spent a decade working in harm reduction programs, supporting participants with syringe services, naloxone, and testing and linkage to care for individuals living with HIV and Hepatitis C. He completed advanced psychotherapy training through the psychotherapy track at Emory’s Psychiatry Residency Program and the Institute for Meditation and Psychotherapy, where he focused on the role of meditation in therapeutic settings. Zach is currently completing his Addiction Psychiatry Fellowship at Emory University. His professional and personal experiences hearing from individuals who use drugs led to an interest in emerging approaches to recovery. This interest contributed to his involvement with ECPS, where he has participated in research and helped develop a psychotherapy group for participants who have completed studies with ECPS.

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