Zachary Bosshardt, MD

Zach graduated undergrad with a degree in philosophy and spent a decade working in harm reduction programs, providing participants with syringes and naloxone, as well as testing and linking individuals living with HIV and HepC to services. In listening to persons who use drugs in his professional life, as well as friends and family who use drugs, Zach heard accounts about how psychedelics played a role in their recovery. With the historical use of psychedelics for this purpose, and ongoing scientific studies purporting their benefit, Zach became interested in investigating the intersection of psychedelics and substance use disorders and started working with ECPS. During his psychiatry residency, he pursued advanced psychotherapy training with the psychotherapy track in Emory’s Psychiatry Residency Program. Through this training, he’s had experiences with integrative psychotherapy, existential/humanistic therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, emotion focused therapy, among other modalities. He also pursued training at the Institute for Meditation and Psychotherapy, looking at meditation in a therapy context as well. Along with other ECPS colleagues, Zach is working on piloting a psychedelic process group, for participants who have completed studies with psychedelics at Emory. Next Zach will pursue Addiction Psychiatry fellowship and hopes to continue his work with ECPS.