Participate in Research


Principal Investigator Jessica Maples-Keller, PhD is recruiting for a study on MDMA + prolonged exposure therapy as treatment for PTSD. If you have a PTSD diagnosis, you may be eligible to enroll this study. Study participants will receive monetary compensation, and all involvement will be kept confidential. 

Study inclusion criteria: 
  • Must be 21-70 years old
  • Must complete a psychiatric and medical history screening 
  • Must have ability to read and understand the English language
This study will require multiple visits for the following:
  • Screening visits
  • Physical exam 
  • Minimum of 10 Prolonged Exposure sessions over the course of 2-weeks 
  • Single dose of MDMA
  • Completion of questionnaires 
  • 3 virtual follow-up visits 
Study Location: 

Emory University Brain Health Center at Executive Park 12

Click here to submit an interest form 

Emory Mood & Anxiety Disorders Program Studies

The Emory Mood and Anxiety Disorders Program (MAP) is currently conducting several studies in adults focusing on the use of psychedelics, combined with psychological support, as a potential new, effective, and safe treatment for Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) and Treatment-Resistant Depression (TRD). The study durations range from 16 weeks to one year.

All study participants will receive a psychiatric evaluation, physical exam, and laboratory tests at no cost. Please read throught the brief study descriptions on this page. 

If you are interested in participating, contact us directly at 404-778-MOOD (6663) or In your message please include your name, age, and the study you are interested in. We will contact you as soon as possible. 

Emory MAP Psychedelics Study Descriptions

Compass organization logo.

This nation-wide study is evaluating the safety and efficacy of a synthetic form of psilocybin for patients suffering from treatment-resistant depression (TRD). Participants will receive a single dose of psilocybin or placebo, in combination with psychological support. Participants must have previously tried antidepressants and experienced little relief from their depression symptoms.

Beckley psytech logo.

This study, conducted globally, is investigating the efficacy and safety of three different dosages of a synthetic psychedelic nasal spray for patients with treatment-resistant depression (TRD). In addition to a single dose of the compound, participants will receive psychological support. Participants must have previously tried antidepressants with little relief from their depression symptoms.

Usona Institute logo.

This global study is evaluating the safety and efficacy of a synthetic form of psilocybin for patients currently suffering of major depressive disorder (MDD) with at least moderate symptom severity. Participants will receive a single dose of psilocybin (25mg or 5 mg), or placebo, in combination with psychosocial support.


Reunion Neuroscience logo.

This study, conducted nation-wide, is evaluating the safety and efficacy of RE104, a synthetic psychedelic, for adult female patients with postpartum depressive disorder. Participants will receive a single dose of the compound (30mg or 1.5 mg) in combination with psychosocial support.

Click Here to visit the Emory MAP Website